Due to the cost of living crisis and COVID – 19, many of us may face a change of circumstances. To ensure our families are supported during these challenging times, there are a number of services that can be accessed.
If you would like further information please speak to Mr Goodwin, Mrs Bush or Mrs Greatorex.
Arun Community Hub
Family hubs offer a range of support, information and guidance to parents, carers and young people as part of Early Help.
Hubs are open for you to drop in and speak to our staff Monday to Friday during opening times on a whole range of issues affecting you and your family. We also have public access computers to use, free of charge, as well as social spaces available to meet other parents.
Aspire Sussex
Aspire Sussex provides community-based Adult Education that is vibrant, accessible and sustainable and responds to the needs of our local communities.
BBC Children In Need
BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme supports children and young people who are facing exceptionally difficult circumstances, and is delivered by Family Fund Business Services.
The programme provides items that meet a child’s most basic needs such as a bed to sleep in, a cooker to provide a hot meal and other items or services critical to a child’s wellbeing.
Benefits Related Free School Meals
From 1 April 2018, free school meals in all West Sussex maintained and free schools and academies are available to pupils in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits:
- Universal Credit(provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guaranteed element of state Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit(provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
Bognor Regis Children and Families Centre
West Sussex children and family centres offer a range of activities and support to parents and carers, for children and families. Many centres are open for you to drop in and play during opening hours.
Bognor Regis Food Bank
If you are in need of Food Bank Vouchers, please speak to Mr Goodwin or Mrs Greatorex who will be happy to help.
For more information visit: https://bognorregis.foodbank.org.uk/get-help/
Christians Against Poverty
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) are running FREE money courses starting shortly:
- Learn a simple system so you can take control of your finances
- Learn how to set a budget
- Know what money you have to live on
- Know what you can spend
Gain referral for further help if required from a CAP money advisor.
Start feeling in control again.
It is confidential and FREE.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Citizens Advice is an independent organisation specialising in confidential information and advice to assist people with legal, debt, consumer, housing and other problems in the United Kingdom.
Community Hub
Request support from the Hub, including accessing the Household Support Fund and where to get advice.
Dedicated Schools Team
A member of the Dedicated School’s Team, Nikki Hull, regularly works at South Bersted Church of England Primary School. Please read an overview of what Nikki offers:
‘My name is Nikki, I just wanted to quickly introduce myself and my role in supporting South Bersted Primary School and its families. I have worked for West Sussex for 3 years, during which time I have worked as a Family Support Assistant for Early Help. Before my time as a support worker, I worked as a qualified Nursery Nurse and Room Leader for a local Day Nursery. I have 15+ years’ experience in supporting children and their families.
My current role is as the South Bersted Primary School link worker with the Dedicated Schools Team. We aim to support schools to support its families by providing information, advice, and guidance to schools and to parents directly. If you have any worries or concerns, you are welcome to arrange a drop in to talk these through with myself. Whether these worries are around behaviour, child wellbeing, difficulties with going to school, worries around finances or support around implementing boundaries and routines we can talk through these and offer information, advice, and guidance on where to get help and support. The aim is to ensure children and families are getting the right support at the earliest opportunity.’
If you would like to arrange to speak to Nikki, please speak to Mr Goodwin or Mrs Greatorex or contact the school office.
Early Help
The sooner a family receives the right support, the sooner they are able to improve their situation and prevent the need for prolonged support. Support starts with universal services, such as the school, the health service and the police. Families needing additional support will receive the next level.
A ‘whole family’ approach ensures that children’s needs and welfare are being met and maintained as well as those of the family.
School Uniform
We offer a range of pre-owned school uniform items which can be purchased for a minimal cost. Items can be purchased by your ParentMail account.
If you are experiencing difficulties providing uniform items for your child, please do contact the school office in confidence.
Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM)
If you are not eligible for benefits-related free school meals, but your child is currently in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, they will automatically be entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals and you need not apply. Please contact the school office for more information.
If you are eligible for benefits-related free school meals in accordance with the above criteria, and your child is also receiving Universal Infant Free School Meals, please continue to register. This will enable us as a school to claim valuable ‘pupil premium’ funding.
Family Information Service (FIS)
The only service authorised to hold information on Ofsted registered childcare, the Family Information Service (FIS) provides information to parents and carers, of 0-25 year olds, on childcare, family activities and supportive services.
How does it help?
It helps parents/carers to find childcare, including holiday schemes, breakfast and after school clubs.