Our School Council is a democratically elected group of children from Year 1 to 6 who are actively involved in the school’s development. Any children in years 1 to 6 who want to can stand to be a School Councillor.

The children have to make a presentation to their class about why they would be good at the job, and then the children get to vote.

Those who are elected then have the role of presenting different information and activities at the monthly meeting where the School Council discuss important issues relating to events that are organised in the school, agreeing which charities we will sponsor through the year and presenting suggestions from their classes for school improvements. Mrs Bush, our Deputy Headteacher, attends the School Council meetings.

Over recent years, the School Council introduced a new whole school behaviour ladder; consulted on our PSHE curriculum; led a whole school initiative to donate gifts for Christmas appeals (including Samaritans and the V2 Radio Appeal) and have raised money for our school charities, these have included The Snowdrop Trust, Tyler’s Trust and Brent Lodge.

This academic year, the School Council plan to further improve the school by listening to the views and opinions of their peers.

Our School Council members for 2024-2025 are:

Year 1 Darcy G Ned H
Year 2 Quinn M Charlie S
Year 3 Maisie S Joshua J
Year 4 Jack K Elsie D
Year 5 Ayse U Maisie P
Year 6 Jacob C Fraya H

With the support of this year’s School Council, pupils voted to support the Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice.  The Chestnut Tree House hospice is the children’s hospice for East and West Sussex, Brighton and Hove and South East Hampshire and cares for 300 children and young adults from 0-19 years of age with progressive life-shortening conditions.  Volunteers from the charity joined us for a Collective Worship to explain about the hospice and the work that the charity does.