Promoting British Values

 In 2014, the Government set out that schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. At South Bersted Church of England Primary School, these values are promoted regularly within the curriculum and through the Christian ethos embedded in our school, they are evident in the following ways:


Making decisions together

At South Bersted we have a strong pupil voice: Junior Governors and the School Council. Children have many opportunities for their voices to be heard. All of these roles of responsibilities are voted for by pupils across the school. The pupils work collaboratively to further improve pupil’s experiences and opportunities.

Over the past two years the School Council has played a key role in improving the school:

  • Introduction of the ‘Friendship Stop’ (Key Stage 1) and ‘Friendship bench’ Key Stage 2
  • Organised and held fundraising events for our chosen charities
  • Designed and implemented our new ‘House System,’
  • Developed an outdoor Prayer Space with the University of Chichester

In selecting our Junior Governors, pupils in Year 6 write and deliver their own speeches to the whole school. Once pupils have heard the candidates’ speeches they go to the polling station.

Rule of Law

We understand why rules are important

The importance of Law, whether they be those within the classroom, the school or the country are consistently reinforced throughout the school. It is important that pupils learn to take responsibility for their behaviour and know the positive impact that they can have on others. The expectations of our School Rules, 3Ds and 5Ws are regularly discussed and are displayed throughout the school. In addition to this, at the beginning of every year, each class creates its own class charity which sets out clear ‘code of conduct.’ We also have regular visits from the Police and Fire services.

In cases where disregard is shown for the school rules, the class teacher will follow the 4Ws approach with the pupil, outlined below:

  • What did you do? (This will focus on the behaviour relative to the consequence)
  • What rule did you break?
  • What is your explanation?
  • What do you think you need to do to put this right? It may also be appropriate to consider; How can I help you with your plan to put things right? (Supporting the pupil with apologies; mediation; restitution)

Individual Liberty

Freedom for all

As a key part of the school’s vision and our Learning for Life Curriculum, we want all pupils to become responsible 21st-century global citizens. Within our school, children are encouraged to make choices and be advocates for positive change.  They know they are in a safe and supportive environment to do this correctly. For example, each child has signed and understood the Online Safety policy and can make sensible/safe choices when using our technology. Through our Philosophy for Children (P4C) lessons and carefully designed PSHE curriculum alongside the Christian Global Calendar, we promote discussions which reinforce other children’s opinions and beliefs.  In addition to this, through our BIG questions, links are made to social justice including Fair Trade and the Civil Rights Movement.

Mutual Respect

Treat others how you want to be treated

Through our Christian ethos, mutual respect is at the heart of our values to care, learn and forgive. Respect for all members of our school and community is a key focus of the school. We strongly believe in building strong relationships between our pupils and adults, which was identified in our recent Ofsted report, 2017.

To further develop mutual respect across our school, we also use ‘Learning Partners’ which provide pupils with the opportunity to work and learn from their peers. A pupil’s ‘Learning Partner’ will change regularly.

In addition to this, we also have Year 5 and 6 ‘Peer Mediators’ who support younger pupils at break and lunch times.

Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs

We enjoy learning about other faiths and cultures

In following our R.E. schemes, Understanding Christianity and the Emmanuel Project, our R.E. teaching encompasses all faiths. Members of different religions are encouraged to share their knowledge and experiences within R.E. lessons to enhance the learning throughout the school. Although we are a Christian School, our curriculum shares time with other faiths which are well resourced so our children are equipped to accept and tolerate without prejudice or discrimination.