In Year 4, pupils will have the opportunity to face new challenges and apply what they have learnt to a range of contexts. During Year 4, pupils will also have the opportunity in the summer term to camp overnight, explore and play a range of rhymes using African drums.

Please view the Year 4 Meet and Greet presentation for this academic year.  The presentation provides you with key information regarding your child’s curriculum for the academic year.

Year 4 Meet and Greet Presentation 2022

If you have any questions regards the presentation, please email the school office so the questions can be collated and added to the Frequently asked Questions.

Multiplication Tables Check  (MTC)

In June, pupils in Year 4 will take the MTC. The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils registered at state-funded maintained schools, special schools or academies, including free schools, in England.

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help the school to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

Further information on the MTC can be found in the attached presentation.

Year 4 Multiplication Workshop March 2024

Autumn Term

During the first weeks of the Autumn Term, pupils will learn about the achievements of one of the earliest civilizations: The Ancient Egyptians. Pupils will have the opportunity to become archaeologists as they join Howard Carter on his exciting expedition to unearth the tomb of the of the boy king – Tutankhamun!

In the second half of the term, pupils will learn about the significance of the River Nile.  In learning about the River Nile, pupils will develop their understanding of the physical geography of rivers.  This will include some fieldwork linked to local rivers.  Pupils will create their own shaduf and use it to transport water just like the Ancient Egyptians. In addition to this, pupils will work collaboratively to create their own model of  the River Nile before flooding it.

Spring Term

The Spring Term begins by pupils learning about the Roman invasion by exploring the BIG question ‘What was the impact of the Roman Empire on Britain?

Pupils will take on the role of a Celt and decide if they should fight the Romans or live side by side with them.  Pupils will learn about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain and how this extended to Europe. Pupils will visit Fishbourne Roman Palace where they will see Roman mosaics and learn more about how the Romans used to live.

Year 4 Knowledge Organiser – Spring 1

The second half of the Spring term starts with a bang as pupils learn about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 76 AD.  Through reading ‘Escape from Pompeii’ and studying non-fiction texts, the children get a real feel for what life was like during this period in history and how the volcano once known as the ‘Gentle Giant’, changed the lives of thousands of people.

The Spring Term concludes with pupils learning about modern day Italy through the BIG question, ‘What would it be like to live in Italy today?’ Pupils will learn the country’s history and traditions make it a popular tourist destination. .

Year 4 Knowledge Organiser – Spring 2

Also during the Spring Term, pupils will learn to play the Jjembe Drums.

Summer Term

The Summer Term begins by pupils learning about the Earth’s structure and how the shifting of tectonic plates can cause earthquakes, tsunami’s and the formation of volcanoes.  In deepening their understanding of the world, pupils will be able to identify the ‘ring of fire.’

Pupils will be able to discuss the benefits and consequences of farming on a volcano and the precautions that have been put in place since the earthquake in the Indian Ocean in 2004.

Year 4 Knowledge Organiser – Summer 1

Further Learning: Explore volcanoes

Book Suggestions

During the second half of the Summer Term, pupils will build on their understanding of the Earth’s structure by learning about the mountainous regions of our world.  They will locate these areas on a map, deepening their understanding of continents and countries before exploring how these mountains formed.  They will consider the climate of these regions and what it is like to live there, including the effect this may have on tourism.

This will lead pupils to look at the plight of some of the animals that live in these areas.

Year 4 Knowledge Organiser – Summer 2

Further Learning: What are mountains?

Book Suggestions

Year 4 Residential:

During June, pupils will develop their teamwork and resilience by engaging in a range of activities before camping on the school field.

100 Books to Read in Year 4

As a school, we are often asked for book recommendations. By clicking on this link, you will find 100 book reviews for Year 4, from classic books like Stig of the Dump, to more recent books like Marcus Rashford’s Breakfast Gang, there are suggestions for all interests.

Multiplication Games:

To prepare your child for the MTC in June, they can access a number of games here:

Times Table Rockstars

Hit the Button

Times Tables

Online Safety:

For updated information on how to keep your child safe on line, you can visit the school’s Online Safety Page.